Finding Your Design Style 00

Finding Your Design Style

Decorating your home can seem stressful, especially if you don’t know where to start. Conflicting ideas in your head or mismatched pieces you have collected over the years can add to your confusion. Here are some simple steps you can take to find your design style.

Social Media

We save images and ideas on social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram for our home and styles that we like, but how often do you review those boards? Go back through your boards and see what common elements keep showing up over and over. 

You may have a wide variety of styles to sort through, but you should be able to pull out some patterns. Common elements might include color, antique pieces, textile art pieces, vintage rugs, or lighting. Look at the keywords for common pictures to see how that style is described. This will help you notice what you are naturally drawn to when you aren’t thinking too hard. 

Collect More

Once you look through your ideas that are already saved and notice a pattern, you can start to collect more ideas. Search for ideas using the keywords you discovered in the previous step. If this pulls up more ideas that you love, then you are closer to discovering your style. 

You may even find certain designers and home influencers that encapsulate your design style. Start following those people and collect more ideas. This can really help you open up to new ideas while still narrowing down your style options. 

Try New Things

You should understand that one style is not going to capture your personality exactly. You are a unique person, so your style is not going to perfectly match someone else’s. Embrace that it will be a mix of styles and will evolve. 

In order to find your own personal style, you are going to have to experiment and try new things occasionally to see if it fits or not. Looking for outdoor louvers installation pieces or antique end tables, or modern lamps can help you discover new facets of your style. 

Buy What You Love

Sometimes we collect pieces that we like but don’t love. Or we buy something just because we want to buy something to fill an emptiness. Or we hold on to pieces we already have because there is nothing wrong with them even though they do not fit with what we love. 

If you don’t love something, then don’t buy it. If you already have something you don’t love, then get rid of it! Holding on to things that you don’t like out of habit can cloud your judgment and muddy the waters of finding your design style. Clearing out the old and only bringing in new things that you love will help you pinpoint your style better. 


You may also need to use the process of elimination to narrow down your design style as well. Saying for certain what you don’t like can help you discover things you do like. Digging a little deeper and uncovering why you don’t like something can help you know why you like other styles.