What Can Be Done With A Steep Garden?

A steep garden can, sometimes, seem like the worst possible option. After all, it’s hard to relax in the garden if you roll down thirty feet to the bottom every single time, or if climbing up the garden in winter conditions from your shed is the hardest task in the world.

These are comical images of course, but it’s true that learning to counter them is important. But what does that mean in practice? What can be done with a steep garden? Should it be considered a write off? Can you entertain and host there? What about improving accessibility?

These are worthwhile questions, and in this post we’ll aim to answer them for you. Without further ado, please consider:

Platformed, Landscaped Areas

A steep garden isn’t necessarily a lost cause. The different levels can actually be turned into a unique feature by implementing platformed, landscaped areas with small walkways in between. You can use retaining walls or raised beds to create terraced sections – it gives the garden structure and visual appeal, and also means no one will fall the entire length. These flat spaces end up being perfect for setting up little seating areas, planting veggie patches, or even squeezing in a tiny lawn. If you connect each level with some steps or winding pathways to easily move between them, you will increase accessibility too!

Leveled Decking

Decking offers a really handy way to maximize usable space when dealing with a steep slope, and composite decking services are far and away the best for this. Having a leveled deck built that follows the contours means instantly gaining a nice flat hangout area for outdoor dining sets, lounge chairs, or just taking in the views and relaxing. If needed, the deck can also have different tiers joined by steps or ramps. It’s a chance to tap into the garden’s full potential while looking stylish, and also adds some much-needed level space.

Standing Boxes For Plants

Gardening in a steep garden doesn’t have to be hard, you just can’t let the severe slope limit your approach. Standing or raised planter boxes are super helpful and also add mobility. These structures let plants, herbs, small trees, or whatever you prefer thrive without needing level ground. These are also great if you have elderly relatives, because they won’t have to bend over to garden and keep enjoying their green space. With the other accessibility efforts you’ve implemented, you might unlock the garden for them. That’s a lovely gift to provide them.

Fences & Safety Features

Safety just has to be priority one in a garden like this. Anyone can fall or slide on an incline, no matter how fit or strong they are. Installing fences or railings along terraced edges and pathways is a good place to start, but don’t forget about hand rails as well. Adding slip-resistant surfaces and even gritting during the winter can be a great place to start.

WIth this advice, you’ll be certain to manage that steep garden in the best possible light.