What Can Be Done With A Steep Garden?

A steep garden can, sometimes, seem like the worst possible option. After all, it’s hard to relax in the garden if you roll down thirty feet to the bottom every single time, or if climbing up the garden in winter conditions from your shed is the hardest task in the world. These are comical images of course, but it’s true…

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Eco-Friendly Living

Vida ecológica: 7 consejos sencillos para un hogar instantáneamente más ecológico

Photo: Bench Accounting / Unsplash Eco-friendly practices aren’t just a trend – they’re a necessity if we want to live in harmony with the planet and our fellow Earthlings. With growing concerns about climate change and environmental sustainability, many of us are seeking ways to reduce our carbon footprint and live more sustainably. Fortunately, making your home greener isn’t expensive…

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kene art 1

Arte Kené dentro de casa: Llevando ritmos peruanos a tus paredes

Hola, decor enthusiasts! Today, we’re embarking on a colorful journey that fuses the vibrant rhythms of Latin America. Our destination? The captivating world of Kené art from Peru, and how it can breathe life into your living spaces. Let’s explore how to infuse your rooms with the magic energy of Kené art! Originating from the Shipibo-Conibo people of the Peruvian…

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Pendant Power Latin-Scandinavian Kitchens 5

El poder de las luces colgantes en las cocinas latino-escandinavas

Hey there, interior lovers! We’re diving into the magic of pendant lights in kitchen design of the heart of two vibrant cultures, Latin-American and Scandinavian. Let’s see why these hanging beauties are the “divas” of Latin-Scandinavian kitchens. First off, let’s talk ambiance. Pendant lights have this remarkable ability to set the mood in any space, and when it comes to kitchens,…

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Avoiding Home Buyer’s Remorse

Buscando satisfacción: 7 consejos para evitar el arrepentimiento del comprador de vivienda en 2024

Buying a house is one of the most exciting and life-changing things anyone can ever do. You can have a significant asset to call your own and transform it into your own personal haven.  However, not everyone experiences that excitement. Some people move into their homes, worried they’ve made a colossal mistake. If you’re concerned about having buyer’s remorse, here…

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Creating a Latin-Scandinavian fusion 9

Creando una fusión latino-escandinava: 10 consejos para una decoración armoniosa en el hogar

When it comes to home decor, blending different cultural influences can result in a stunning and unique interior that reflects your personal style: Latin-Scandinavian home decor. One captivating fusion that’s been gaining popularity recently is the combination of Latin and Scandinavian design elements. This fusion brings together the warmth and vibrancy of Latin American aesthetics with the simplicity and functionality…

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